Zelf Political Report on TikTok:
Harris’ huge surge, Trump’s post assassination attempt bump, Biden’s rebound after dropping out, and the political issues with the most engagement 
Welcome to the first Zelf Political Report, where we will be sharing one-of-a-kind TikTok insights and analysis on the current political climate.
What is Zelf?
Zelf is the leading TikTok listening and analytics platform, built with and for companies that are prioritizing the video-based internet for marketing and insights. Zelf gathers organic, people-generated content on TikTok at scale and applies advanced video analytics capabilities to watch and summarize every video. Zelf then provides premier insights, monitors reputation, and allows brands to get ahead of the curve in a world where organic content dominates distribution and consumption.
Zelf has been monitoring individual politicians and political issues on TikTok for months and we can share some fascinating data from June 27, 2024 to July 26, 2024, which clearly demonstrates why TikTok, with its vast amount of people-generated media on politics, will play a crucial role in this year’s election.
For this report, Zelf conducted a comprehensive assessment of 153,300 TikTok videos from June 27, 2024 to July 26, 2024, that mentioned Vice President Kamala Harris, President Biden, and former President Donald Trump, as well as key political issues such as immigration, inflation, and reproductive rights. The Zelf assessment monitored the number of videos, views, and engagements, as well as whether the videos were positive, neutral, or negative for any of the candidates or policies being measured. A key metric that Zelf uses is the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which is an assessment of how positive or negative discourse is about an individual, issue, or topic within a given timeframe, weighted based on video engagement. For an individual commercial post, Zelf accurately ascribes sentiment 97.5% of the time. Measuring political posts is more complex as sentiments are often far more nuanced with some posts expressing both positive and negative sentiments. For individual political posts, Zelf accurately ascribes sentiment 85-90% of the time. Measuring those posts at scale, Zelf's analysis offers the most accurate snapshot by far of political discourse on TikTok. As Zelf continues to analyze political content, it's already high overall accuracy will continue to increase.
Zelf Data & Insights
Image 1: Zelf dashboard snapshot for July 25, 2024, monitoring TikTok videos on Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, along with their Net Promoter Scores (NPS).
Image 2: Zelf dashboard for June 27, 2024 to July 26, 2024, with the impact of key events on candidates’ share of attention.
Biden's NPS has improved a bit since his announcement and endorsement of Harris. Prior to his announcement, our analysis showed that his fitness to serve was the main driver of negative content for Biden.
Some interesting data on what Biden’s contributors were to his strongly negative NPS that we saw on TikTok in the past 15 days:
Image 3: Zelf dashboard snapshot for July 25, 2024, monitoring for key issues for this election and the relative share of positive and negative content.
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